Immune Health NOW—Respiratory System Support for Spring 2020

Immune Health NOW—Respiratory System Support for Spring 2020

Ayurveda teaches us to focus our attention on the lungs and respiratory tract during the spring months of kapha season—and in spring of 2020, this focus has reached all-time heights around the world as people have actively sought herbs and supplements to support their immune systems.

Created in March of 2020, Immune Health NOW is an herbal powerhouse specifically formulated to support us through the here and now. When we set out to create a custom herbal blend for the current moment, our intention was to create a formula that achieves three main things:

  1. It should support the immune system
  2. It should support the lungs and entire respiratory tract
  3. It should strengthen the digestive fire (agni) and its ability to burn natural toxins (ama)

With Immune Health NOW, we are confident that we were able to achieve these key goals.

How It Works

Utilizing some of the most potent herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia, this blend bolsters the body's immune defenses, supports healthy lungs, and strengthens a healthy respiratory tract. Here is a breakdown of each ingredient in the formula, and the unique qualities that each botanical provides.

  • Turmeric is a well-known, immune-boosting powerhouse.
  • Amalaki and neem are powerfully cooling herbs that help soothe pitta (excess heat) in the body.
  • Vasaka is an herb long used in Ayurveda for supporting healthy lungs.
  • Sitopaladi is a traditional Ayurvedic formula used to support the health of the entire respiratory system. All of its ingredients are present in this blend.
  • Pippali and ginger target the respiratory system and specifically strengthen the agni of the respiratory system.
  • Tulsi is warming to the respiratory tract. It also supports a calm, clear mind, and is said to provide comfort and healing to the emotional body.
  • Lastly, licorice acts as a demulcent and boosts overall vitality of the system.

How to Take Immune Health NOW

As its name suggests, you can take this formula now to maintain your health, or at any time of day when you feel like you need more support.

For maximum benefit, we recommend mixing Immune Health NOW with honey, a traditional anupan, or carrier substance. Taking herbs in powdered form and with a targeted anupan is actually the most time-honored and traditional way to take herbs in Ayurveda, which teaches that the rasa of herbs, and the moment they begin to work, actually starts in the mouth.

Honey is the foremost anupan for delivering herbs to the body with the specific intention of targeting the lungs. Plus, honey has its own beneficial properties. It is a common ingredient in many products that support the respiratory tract and wellness traditions around the world. In fact, the World Health Organization recommends honey for occasional irritation of the throat and lungs.1 


To use, combine ½ teaspoon herbal mixture with 1 teaspoon of your favorite raw honey and stir together to make a paste. Take the herbal honey paste directly from the spoon, or add it to warm water and drink it as a tea.

We recommend taking this two times daily after meals, or three times daily for acute relief. For a vegan option, use maple syrup in place of honey.

This mixture might not taste great, but the honey (or maple syrup) helps to balance the slightly bitter taste of the formula.


Free Immune Health NOW for Those in Need

During a crisis, there are always those in the community who are especially impacted. When it comes to COVID, this includes senior citizens, those who are unemployed, and those who are hard at work to maintain public health and safety—like health care heroes, childcare providers, grocery store employees, public transit operators, and so many more individuals continuing to provide vital services.

At Banyan Botanicals, we want to support these individuals by offering them Immune Health NOW for free for as long as we can. While supplies last, we're offering one free package per household in the United States.

Are you an essential worker, unemployed, or over the age of 65? We've set up a simple submission page

From all of us at Banyan Botanicals, we hope this herbal formulation can offer you and your family support and ensure optimal wellness—now.

About the Author

Vrinda Devani, MD, AP

Vrinda Devani, MD, has a passion for women's health and empowering women towards vibrant health and living. She is a believer in unfolding the...

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1 World Health Organization. (‎2001)‎ “Cough and cold remedies for the treatment of acute respiratory infections in young children.”