Ayurvedic Diet

The Ayurvedic Diet
AYURVEDA / The Ayurvedic Diet
The Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurvedic Diet

Welcome to our Ayurvedic Diet Library, where we've compiled resources on the topic of how to eat and cook according to Ayurveda, including recipes, videos, and articles. If you're new to Ayurveda's approach to food, we recommend starting with our guide to Ayurvedic Food Combining.

  • How to Make Kitchari

    How to Make Kitchari

    In this article: Basic Kitchari Recipe Basic Instant Pot Recipe Kitchari for Vata Kitchari for Pitta Kitchari for Kapha Ayurveda's Staple Food Kitchari is a delicious, thick soup that is...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    How to Make Kitchari

    Perfect for cleansing, kitchari is an ideal food of choice during times of stress on the body, such as during periods of overwork or seasonal transitions.

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  • Ayurvedic Food Combining

    Ayurvedic Food Combining

    Combining Foods for Better Digestion For many, the concept of food combining—the idea that some foods digest well together while others do not—is entirely new, and somewhat foreign. But according to...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Ayurvedic Food Combining

    Proper food combining can improve the quality of your digestive health. Learn which food combinations Ayurveda recommends for optimal digestive wellness.

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  • Vata-Balancing Diet

    Vata-Balancing Diet

    If you're looking for ways to balance vata dosha, one of the best things you can do is incorporate vata-balancing foods into your diet. An ideal vata diet is comprised of...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Vata-Balancing Diet

    Vata is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are soft or mushy in texture, rich in protein and fat, seasoned with a variety of warming spices,...

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  • Pitta-Balancing Diet

    Pitta-Balancing Diet

    If you've been told you should focus on balancing pitta (by our Ayurvedic Profile™ quiz or by a practitioner) one of the best things you can do is incorporate pitta-balancing...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Pitta-Balancing Diet

    Pitta is balanced by a diet of fresh, whole foods (both cooked and raw) that are cooling, hearty, energizing, comparatively dry, and high in carbohydrates.

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  • Kapha-Balancing Diet

    Kapha-Balancing Diet

    Looking to balance kapha dosha? One of the best things you can do is shift your eating habits to embrace a kapha-balancing diet. In Ayurveda, a balanced kapha diet focuses on...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Kapha-Balancing Diet

    Kapha is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are light, dry, warming, well spiced, and relatively easy to digest—ideally served warm or hot.

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  • Vata-Balancing Foods

    Vata-Balancing Foods

      Vata can be brought back into balance by eating a nourishing selection of vata-pacifying foods. Read below to find out what you can add and subtract from your Ayurvedic...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Vata-Balancing Foods

    Vata is cool, dry, rough and light, so eating foods that neutralize these qualities—foods that are warm, moist, oily, smooth, and nourishing—can help to balance excess vata.

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  • Pitta-Balancing Foods

    Pitta-Balancing Foods

      One of the very best ways to bring pitta back into balance is by eating a pitta-balancing diet with plenty of healthy Ayurvedic cooling foods. {cta} Ayurvedic Cooling Foods...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Pitta-Balancing Foods

    Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, light, spreading, and liquid, so eating foods that neutralize these qualities—foods that are dry, mild, cooling, grounding, stabilizing, and dense—serve to balance excess pitta.

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  • Kapha-Balancing Foods

    Kapha-Balancing Foods

      For those seeking to balance kapha dosha, balance can be greatly supported by eating a healthy diet of kapha-pacifying foods and kapha-balancing recipes. {cta} Read below to find out...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Kapha-Balancing Foods

    Kapha is heavy, cool, oily, and smooth, so eating foods that neutralize these qualities—foods that are light, warm, dry, and rough—can help to balance excess kapha.

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  • Six Tastes

    Six Tastes

    The Fundamentals of Taste {cta} According to Ayurveda, it is incredibly important to taste our foods, our herbs—our lives. Rasa, the Sanskrit word for taste, has a number of potent...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    Six Tastes

    Ayurveda places great importance on tasting foods. Rasa, the Sanskrit word for taste, has many meanings that only hint at the significance of taste in Ayurveda.

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  • How to Make Ghee

    How to Make Ghee

      Heat one pound of unsalted organic butter over low heat in a heavy-bottomed pot. During this entire process, do not stir butter at all. The butter will begin to...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    How to Make Ghee

    Heat one pound of unsalted organic butter over low heat in a heavy-bottomed pot. During this entire process, do not stir butter at all. The butter will begin to simmer...

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  • The Benefits of Chyavanprash

    The Benefits of Chyavanprash

    Chyavanprash, also called chyawanprash, is a delicious nutritive jam that has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years, offering a wide range of benefits. It is revered for its...

    AYURVEDA / Ayurvedic Diet

    The Benefits of Chyavanprash

    Chyavanprash, also called chyawanprash, is a delicious nutritive jam that has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years and offers a wide range of health benefits.

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