Larissa Hall Carlson, MA, AP

Constitution: Pitta-Kapha

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Larissa Hall Carlson is a nationally certified Ayurvedic Practitioner and yoga teacher, known for her rich teachings, exceptional knowledge, and professionalism. She is passionate about encouraging all people to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature through the time-honored teachings of yoga, Ayurveda, and Mindfulness. Larissa is the former dean and current faculty member for the Kripalu School of Ayurveda.

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Articles by Larissa Hall Carlson, MA, AP

Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others

Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yours...

Here's eight Ayurvedic tips to help you care for yourself while you're taking care of others, so that you can show up with a full and generous cup.

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Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others

Here's eight Ayurvedic tips to help you care for yourself while you're taking care of others, so that you can show up with a full and generous cup.

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Ayurveda for Meditators: 5 Obstacles Blocking Your Practice and How to Overcome Them

Ayurveda for Meditators: 5 Obstacles Blocking Y...

Encountering challenges is a very normal part of the meditation journey. But with an understanding of Ayurveda, there’s hope for moving past them.

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Ayurveda for Meditators: 5 Obstacles Blocking Your Practice and How to Overcome Them

Encountering challenges is a very normal part of the meditation journey. But with an understanding of Ayurveda, there’s hope for moving past them.

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The Day-Tripper’s Satchel: 8 Essential Ayurvedic Supplies from Grandma’s Purse

The Day-Tripper’s Satchel: 8 Essential Ayurvedi...

Getting sick is always a drag, especially when away from home. Get prepared with simple Ayurvedic tools you can carry with you in your purse or day bag.  

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The Day-Tripper’s Satchel: 8 Essential Ayurvedic Supplies from Grandma’s Purse

Getting sick is always a drag, especially when away from home. Get prepared with simple Ayurvedic tools you can carry with you in your purse or day bag.  

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Education and Experience

With over 25 years of teaching experience, Larissa specializes in pranayama, ojas-boosting, sattva-enhancing, optimal performance, dosha-balancing yoga, and end-of-life care. She leads transformative, empowering, and inspiring classes, workshops, and trainings around the world.

Degrees and Certifications

  • Master of Arts, Mindfulness Studies, Lesley University, 2018
  • Bachelor of Arts, English & Education, UMass Amherst, 1997
  • End-of-Life Doula, University of Vermont, 2019
  • Ayurvedic Practitioner, Kripalu Center, 2009
  • Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist, Kripalu Center, 2007
  • 1000-hour Yoga Teacher Certification, Kripalu Center, 2017
  • Yee Yoga Teacher Certification, Kripalu Center, 2007
  • Prenatal Yoga Teacher Certification, Kripalu Center, 2006
  • 500-hour Yoga Teacher Certification, Kripalu Center, 2005
  • Reiki Certification, Kripalu Center, 2005

Upcoming Events

Check out Larissa's website for upcoming events and audio courses. She offers virtual and in-person yoga, Ayurveda, and Mindfulness retreats, trainings, and workshops.

Audio Courses Include:

OnDemand Courses via Yoga Journal:

  • Ayurveda 101: Doshas, co-taught with Dr. John Douillard
  • Ayurveda 201: Psychology, co-taught with Dr. John Douillard


larissa carlson doing yoga

Larissa's Point of View

How were you introduced to Ayurveda?

My mother got me a gift certificate for a massage at Kripalu in 2003, and I chose what looked like the most luscious thing on the menu—an Ayurvedic Udvartina Shirodhara—a traditional treatment including a massage with herbal powders and a calming stream of warm oil applied to the third eye.  

When I arrived for the treatment, the practitioner took my pulse and chose the Ayurvedic oils based on my doshic state. I was fascinated and enthralled, and I LOVED the treatment. I started my Ayurveda journey that day and have been studying and practicing ever since.

When are you most likely to go out of balance and how do you bring yourself back in balance using Ayurveda?

The seasonal transition from winter to spring has always been my most challenging. As a pitta-kapha, I've learned to generally avoid the pitta-provoking triggers, but my kapha often sneaks around—craving sweet treats well beyond the vata winter season, which leaves me with extra weight and puffiness.

I find that starting my kapha-balancing yoga and self-care practices (e.g. garshana, agni-boosting, bitter greens, pranayama) right at the beginning of kapha season is best for keeping my digestion strong, my prana circulating, and my mind clear. It also helps reduce the sweet cravings!

I teach more in the spring than any other season—helping me stay active during the time of year when I most want to sit at the bakery.