Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

A Pitta-Pacifying Yoga Pose

standing forward fold

From Mountain Pose, inhale to lengthen the spine and exhale to reach the torso out of the hips as you begin to fold the upper body over the lower body. As your hamstrings release, bring hands to opposite elbows allowing further traction on the spine. You may want to keep a slight bend to the knees if there is too much sensation in the hamstrings. To come out of the fold, keep spine elongated, anchor your hands at your hips, and use your breath to float your torso back to standing. 

Pitta Focus:

Surrender to the pose. Allow your breath to guide you, and imagine your thoughts pouring out of the crown of your head. Be patient with your body's limitations.


Increases flexibility in the hamstrings and spine, calms and cools the mind, improves digestion, slows the heart, and nourishes the brain cells.

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