Balance Pitta with Herbs

Pitta Balancing Bundle


Because pitta is currently the most significant aggravation in your system, we recommend the Pitta Balancing Bundle for you.

Herbs can be a powerful ally in helping to balance any of the three doshas, and pitta is no exception. Aggravated pitta tends to cause excess heat, irritated skin, hyper-acidity, a sharp appetite, and loose stools.

Emotionally, it can trigger irritability, anger, and intolerance, as well as an excessive emphasis on achievement. Pitta is balanced by any substance or experience that opposes these tendencies, and herbs can deliver potent and effective support in doing so.

Most pitta-balancing herbs are primarily sweet, bitter, and astringent in taste. They generally introduce heavy, cool, and dry qualities that are nourishing, calming, and stabilizing.

Herbs that balance pitta help to soothe and balance the digestive fire, nourish and rejuvenate the tissues, encourage the elimination of excess heat, support the organs and tissues that tend to store accumulated heat, and relieve stress and bodily tension.


Pitta Balancing Bundle


The Pitta Balancing Bundle is a powerful combination of herbal formulas that work both internally and externally to soothe, cool, and ground the system while clearing accumulated pitta from the mind and body—thereby supporting a return to balance and more vibrant health.

Please explore the Product Recommendations tab of your Ayurvedic Profile™ for additional herbal products intended to support some of the specific challenges you identified when you last assessed your Current State of Balance.


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