Your Ayurvedic Survival Guide for Travel in India

Your Ayurvedic Survival Guide for Travel in India

India, the land of mysticism and spirituality, can often scare and deter tourists from traveling there for fear of illness and disease. After ten years of consistent travel to India and leading multiple retreats to this captivating land, I've successfully warded off food and waterbourn illness for myself and others. How, you might ask?

As an Ayurvedic practitioner and scientist at heart, I've learned a few tricks along the way! One of my top favorite ways to stay healthy and strong while traveling halfway around the world is to support my body and mind with high quality supplements and products before and during my trip. For most Westerners, India is not the easiest place to negotiate: From an Ayurvedic perspective, vata dosha gets aggravated and can make you feel ungrounded and easily fatigued. It is good to be prepared so that you can enjoy all the beauty and magic India has to offer. 

To maintain vitality, health, and strength in your digestive system and mind—which will support your whole being—try the following suggestions:


Immune Strong™ – Maintain a Healthy Immune System

Start your travel on the right foot by supporting your immune system and all it does to keep us healthy, especially when faced with the many variables of traveling. Immune Strong™ is available in both tablets and liquid extract, which makes it especially convenient to keep handy at all times. 


Ginger – The Everyday Medicine for Complete Health

Ginger is one of the most widely used staples due to its comprehensive effect in offering a broad range of health promoting benefits. Ginger can promote stomach comfort during the motion of intense travel—and because car rides in India are like no other, a bit of support can be the very thing you are looking for.

Ginger will promote good digestion, heat up and burn away natural toxins as well as expel excess phlegm or mucous from the body. Ginger is a great support for a healthy immune system. And when not feeling 100%, ginger with honey can promote a feeling of wellness. This versatile form of ginger keeps well-being at your fingertips.


7-Herb Energy Liquid Extract – Raise your Vibration

Travel is often stressful, exhausting, and tiring, especially as you are transitioning into a new place, new time zone, and new rhythms. The 7-Herb Energy formulation includes herbs like ginseng, ashwagandha, and gokshura to support your nervous system, adrenals, and overall well-being. Be amazed at your new energetic self. While trekking in the Himalayas, this tincture was a regular in my CamelBak. Even our local trekking guide was enjoying the benefits of this formulation. Whether you are trekking or sightseeing, this will give you good energy, stamina, and a peaceful mind.  

trekking in India


I Sleep Soundly – The Ultimate Sleep Aid

Though I don't have trouble sleeping during the long flight to India, for many of my students, it can take a while to calm down the elevated vata induced by long travel. I Sleep Soundly tablets help relax and calm the mind for good sleep. This formulation contains natural sleep-promoting herbs like skullcap, valerian, and chamomile to support tranquility, so you can sleep on the plane or in your hotel. 


Nasya – Clear your Sinuses!

Nasya lubricates and keeps the nasal passage clean and clear and helps guard against dust, pollutants and dirt that often permeate the environment. Nasya Oil is your best support. A lot of people like the neti pot, but in India where good water is questionable and you need warm water to neti, it can be an ordeal trying to arrange doing neti every day. And there's no need. You have nasya. It lubricates and protects your nose while also calming the nervous system and supporting the lungs. India can be quite dusty and in some areas pollution is very intense, so nasya oil is one of your best defenses.

Though one would think that this simple product should be readily available, it is not. And when you do find nasya oil, the traditional formulas can be a bit too strong and potent for the Western nose.

Don't fret about traveling to India, the land that nourishes the mind, body, and soul when you are properly prepared. Try all or some of these products on your next trip abroad, and discover how well-planned and supported travel will enhance your experience by 108%!

About the Author

Maria E. Garré, M.Ed, 500 ERYT

Maria is a dedicated, life-long student, teacher and practitioner of both Yoga and Ayurveda. Bringing together 20+ years of academic and graduate studies in the biological sciences, yoga and Ayurveda, alongside completing Ayurvedic Studies at the Kripalu School for Ayurveda and The Ayurvedic Institute, she offers a practical, authentic approach to live in balance. She serves as the Ayuryoga Department Manager at the Ayurvedic Institute, co-teacher for Shiva Rea's Living Ayurveda program, and travels worldwide as a guest lecturer, presenter and retreat leader. Join her around the globe on a retreat, workshop or training. For a full bio visit
