Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others

Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yours...

Here's eight Ayurvedic tips to help you care for yourself while you're taking care of others, so that you can show up with a full and generous cup.

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Ayurvedic Caregiving: How to Take Care of Yourself While You’re Taking Care of Others

Here's eight Ayurvedic tips to help you care for yourself while you're taking care of others, so that you can show up with a full and generous cup.

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Back to School: The 3 Types of Learners

Back to School: The 3 Types of Learners

However the student in your life feels about school, Ayurveda can illuminate unique learning styles and make learning a more enjoyable process for everyone.

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Back to School: The 3 Types of Learners

However the student in your life feels about school, Ayurveda can illuminate unique learning styles and make learning a more enjoyable process for everyone.

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Exhausted by Grind Culture? Let’s Cultivate Align Culture

Exhausted by Grind Culture? Let’s Cultivate Ali...

Grind culture—the idea that we achieve success by working harder and producing more—is taking a serious toll. Learn how to encourage more self-care in the workplace and beyond. 

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Exhausted by Grind Culture? Let’s Cultivate Align Culture

Grind culture—the idea that we achieve success by working harder and producing more—is taking a serious toll. Learn how to encourage more self-care in the workplace and beyond. 

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A New Angle on Couples Therapy: How to Nurture Love Through the Lens of the Doshas

A New Angle on Couples Therapy: How to Nurture ...

There are two primary reasons couples seek therapy—to stay together or to move apart. Learning the language of the doshas can help couples communicate well and move forward with greater...

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A New Angle on Couples Therapy: How to Nurture Love Through the Lens of the Doshas

There are two primary reasons couples seek therapy—to stay together or to move apart. Learning the language of the doshas can help couples communicate well and move forward with greater...

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What the Doshas Can Teach You About Your Relationships and Love Language

What the Doshas Can Teach You About Your Relati...

When it comes to romantic relationships, the doshas play a big role, influencing what you contribute, how you show affection, and how to find harmony with your partner.

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What the Doshas Can Teach You About Your Relationships and Love Language

When it comes to romantic relationships, the doshas play a big role, influencing what you contribute, how you show affection, and how to find harmony with your partner.

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How to Help Kids Balance Their Vata

How to Help Kids Balance Their Vata

As we continue to adjust to this ever-changing “normal,” it’s important that we adopt ways to balance excess vata and support our children in doing the same.

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How to Help Kids Balance Their Vata

As we continue to adjust to this ever-changing “normal,” it’s important that we adopt ways to balance excess vata and support our children in doing the same.

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Yoga that Kids Will Love

Yoga that Kids Will Love

Children are natural yogis with a lot to teach us about yoga, and, perhaps, a lot to teach us about life. Let your yoga space be a story. Let it...

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Yoga that Kids Will Love

Children are natural yogis with a lot to teach us about yoga, and, perhaps, a lot to teach us about life. Let your yoga space be a story. Let it...

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3 Ayurvedic Tips for Back to School

3 Ayurvedic Tips for Back to School

Inevitably, the change of season and return to school brings some challenges. Fortunately, Ayurveda gives us a practical framework to ease us into the schoolyear.

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3 Ayurvedic Tips for Back to School

Inevitably, the change of season and return to school brings some challenges. Fortunately, Ayurveda gives us a practical framework to ease us into the schoolyear.

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6 Ways to Ease Your Partner into Ayurveda

6 Ways to Ease Your Partner into Ayurveda

Do you have a special person in your life who isn’t prioritizing their own health? Maybe you have a vata boyfriend who stays up till 2 or 3 a.m. watching...

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6 Ways to Ease Your Partner into Ayurveda

Do you have a special person in your life who isn’t prioritizing their own health? Maybe you have a vata boyfriend who stays up till 2 or 3 a.m. watching...

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The Doshas in Love

The Doshas in Love

Whether you love them, avoid them, or cherish them—we all have them. With Valentine’s Day in the air, I wanted to shed light on how we can illuminate our relationships through...

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The Doshas in Love

Whether you love them, avoid them, or cherish them—we all have them. With Valentine’s Day in the air, I wanted to shed light on how we can illuminate our relationships through...

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Little Ones Can Get the Blues, Too!

Little Ones Can Get the Blues, Too!

In Ayurveda, we have a unique opportunity to support folks who are grieving, no matter their age. Ayurveda offers a plethora of tools to work through trauma and grief.

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Little Ones Can Get the Blues, Too!

In Ayurveda, we have a unique opportunity to support folks who are grieving, no matter their age. Ayurveda offers a plethora of tools to work through trauma and grief.

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The Natural Way to Go Back to School

The Natural Way to Go Back to School

As the new school year is upon us, and for our own well-being, it is critical to utilize our energy in the most effective and efficient ways.  Our children naturally...

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The Natural Way to Go Back to School

As the new school year is upon us, and for our own well-being, it is critical to utilize our energy in the most effective and efficient ways.  Our children naturally...

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Relationships & Parenting

One of the things that makes Ayurveda so powerful and unique as a healing modality is that it puts so much focus on the individual, rather than applying a one-size-fits all approach to everyone. By acknowledging our differences as unique human beings, it honors the unique and specific needs of each person.

Because of this approach, Ayurveda often circles back to what will serve each one of us as individuals. But you may be surprised by how much Ayurveda has to offer beyond the individual as well. In fact, this ancient wisdom excels when it comes to supporting healthy connection to people and things outside of ourselves—connection to nature, connection to family, and connection to community.

Ayurveda recognizes that we do not exist in a bubble, and that building the quality of our relationships to others plays an important role our overall health.

Whether these relationships are with a friend, a child, a partner, a spouse, a parent, or a coworker, Ayurveda's wisdom can support us in building strong bonds, understanding compatibility, and fostering loving and healthy relationships throughout our lives.

Have you ever wondered which doshas are most compatible with your own when it comes to finding love? Why your dynamic with one friend is so different than with another friend? Or, if you have children, why you might relate to one child completely differently than another?

To some degree, the mystery of love and relationships is just that—a mystery! And we can only trust that we meet certain souls that are meant to enrich our lives, teach us an important lesson, or contribute to our growth and evolution in this lifetime in their own unique way.

At the same time, applying an Ayurvedic perspective to love and relationships can lend incredible insight into why we relate to certain people the way we do and how we might support the most healthy and beneficial relationships possible.

For example, we know that people with predominant pitta dosha tend to be quite fiery and strong willed. If you are a pitta on the lookout for a partner, choosing another strong pitta-type person may be asking for a challenging relationship with two people constantly fighting to take the lead.

On the other hand, a pitta-type person may get along more easily with an easy-going kapha type who will help to balance the element of fire and offer some calm, grounded energy to the relationship equation. Understanding the elements and dynamics at play between the doshas can be quite helpful and informative when it comes to choosing compatible relationships!

But let's be honest—we don't always have a say when it comes to the people in our lives. Especially when it comes to family and parenting, we get who we get and we love who we love! And even if some of these relationships are more challenging than others, they are in our lives for a reason and always present an opportunity to learn and grow.

These blog articles offer Ayurvedic insights into love and the doshas, as well as relationship tips and parenting tips. We hope they are a helpful resource to support you in navigating and understanding the relationships in your life!