Banyan Botanicals was born from a love of Ayurveda. Our founders, Scott and Kevin, started the company in 1996 with the desire to support the practice of Ayurveda and the expansion of its wisdom in the West. The idea for the business was simple—provide the highest quality herbs and products available and deliver them along with excellent customer service. For twenty years we have focused on making these ideals a reality for customers. It is our great honor to serve the ever-growing community of those practicing Ayurveda and we look forward to continuing our efforts in the years to come.

Celebrating 20 Years of Serving the Ayurvedic Community
Scott begins studying Ayurveda with Dr. Vasant Lad as a student at the Ayurvedic Institute. He works side by side with Dr. Lad for the next ten years mixing custom formulations for clients.
Kevin begins his studies with Dr. Lad and joins Scott in the herbal pharmacy the following year.
Scott and Kevin start the Banyan Trading Company out of a room in Kevin's house. They soon outgrow the space and move into a small warehouse in downtown Albuquerque.
Kevin and Scott begin making annual trips to India to secure best possible sources for herbs. Pictured here with Dr. Lad in Pune, India.
Banyan begins selling directly to the public via a catalog and the internet.
Banyan moves to a beautiful new warehouse in the northeast heights of Albuquerque.
Banyan establishes a partnership and enduring friendship with Pukka Herbs in order to provide herbs that are USDA certified organic, sustainably sourced, and fairly traded. Scott and Kevin along with co-founder of Pukka Herbs, Sebastian Pole, in Sri Lanka.
Now that certified organic herbs are available, Banyan transitions our Albuquerque warehouse into a USDA Certified Organic facility.
Banyan introduces the first line of USDA certified organic Ayurvedic massage and herbal oils. Organic Nasya Oil and a line of organic herbal balms soon follow.
Banyan opens the customer service center in Ashland, Oregon. Kathi and Kripa settle in.
Banyan continues its enthusiastic support of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) since NAMA began in 1998. Scott and Kevin are pictured here with Dr. Lad at the 2007 NAMA conference in Albuquerque.
Banyan supports the herb company Biolaya Organics and through these efforts has been able to provide a sustainable, cultivated supply of CITES certified Kutki.
Banyan brings on like-minded partners who are also students of Dr. Vasant Lad in order to propel the company to new heights. Kevin and Scott are pictured here with Devang, our Operations Manager.
Well over a decade after formulating our first tablets and oils, Scott can still be frequently seen in the production area working on the latest batches.
The Banyan customer service and marketing team continues to expand.
Banyan launches a new women's formula, Women's Natural Transition, along with Healthy Bones and Healthy Skin herbal tablets. A growing library of outstanding educational information and a more user-friendly website enables Banyan to offer better support to people interested in learning about Ayurveda.
Banyan expands the product line with new items including Daily Swish, Throat Spray, Bronchial Support, and Focus liquid extract.
Banyan celebrates 20 years of serving the Ayurvedic community!