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Gift Card

Gift Card

A Digital Gift Delivered by Email

Want to send a physical gift card or prefer to keep things digital?
Your Name
Recipient Name
Recipient Email

Free shipping on orders over $60

  • Our digital gift cards make it easy to support others on their self-care journey. Rather than a physical "card," our gift cards are entirely electronic, without the environmental impact of printing and shipping or the hassle of waiting for it to arrive in the mail. Plus they never expire!

    • Delivered by email within minutes
    • An easy way to support others’ health and well-being
    • May be used storewide
    • No additional processing fees
    • Redeemable only on the Banyan website

    Purchasing a gift card is easy:

    1. Fill out the fields on this page.
    2. We'll email the gift card straight to the recipient, with instructions on how to use it.
    3. We'll also send you a confirmation to your email to let you know your gift was successfully sent.

    California Customers: WARNING

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AutoShip Logo

Stay Balanced with
Banyan AutoShip

How It Works:

  1. Get your favorite products discounted and delivered automatically.
  2. Manage frequency, delivery, and quantity anytime through your account.
  3. Receive an email reminder before each delivery.
  4. Adjust or reschedule orders easily online.