Alicia Lynn Diaz, MA, AHP

Alicia Lynn Diaz, MA, AHP

Ayurvedic Health Practitioner

Vata Pitta
Constitution: Vata-Pitta

Alicia Lynn Diaz, MA, AHP, lives a life dedicated to sharing the beauty of Ayurveda with open-hearted seekers of natural healing and authentic living. She currently focuses her professional practice on Ayurvedic Psychology, trauma healing, and resolving chronic illnesses rooted in emotional disturbance. She takes a warm, inviting approach to teaching and counseling that many experience as uplifting, empowering, and transformational in many areas of life. She is grateful and deeply indebted to her mentors of Ayurveda, Vaidyas Pankaj Naram, Vasant Lad and Nuva Yeetah, Dr. Claudia Welch, her spiritual teachers, her family, and her family’s native lands of Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Learn more about her offerings.

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Articles by Alicia Lynn Diaz, MA, AHP

Education and Experience

Alicia has mentored extensively under the world renowned Vedic masters, Vasant Lad, MASc, BAM&S, and Dr. Pankaj Naram, who was an advisor to the Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa.

Alicia’s experience as a Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Physiologist, and University Professor, combined with deep spiritual mentorship, has given her a unique ability to translate this ancient wisdom in a potent way that is relevant to our modern world.

Alicia Lynn is deeply committed to global awakening and the transformation of healthcare, as well as environmental and humanitarian constructs. She believes that God is calling us as leaders to realize our soul’s purpose and be a catalyst to the highest evolution of our society so we can move towards operating as one integrated whole. 

Events and Offerings

Learn more about Alicia’s workshops, online resources, one-on-one consultations, and more. You can also tune in to Alicia’s Peaceful Soul Podcast.


Alicia Lynn Diaz

Alicia’s Point of View

How has Ayurveda changed your life?

I was first introduced to Ayurveda during a Yoga Teacher Training at the Integral Yoga Institute in New York City. I was drawn to Ayurveda to heal my physical body, but it proved to be a gateway into more happiness, fulfillment, and freedom than I could have ever imagined.

When are you most likely to go out of balance and how do you bring yourself back in balance using Ayurveda?

Dry, cold, windy weather, and a hectic schedule throw me out of balance. Meditation, stillness, oil massage with Vata Massage Oil or Pitta Massage Oil, warm tea, and a delicious home cooked meal with plenty of spices help me ground, nourish, and recenter.