An Easy Way To Cleanse at Home
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An Easy Way To Cleanse at Home

In Ayurveda, this change is a time for us to let go of what is no longer needed, to detox, and prepare for the coming season. What has been left...

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3 Reasons to Do A Group Cleanse
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3 Reasons to Do A Group Cleanse

When it comes to food and cleansing, there’s an abundance of information out there. How do you know what protocol to choose and if it’s right for you?

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Why You Need Help with Your Ayurvedic Cleanse
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Why You Need Help with Your Ayurvedic Cleanse

It is important to have guidance through any sort of Ayurvedic cleanse because it is important to know that you are safe and that you are doing it right.

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To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse?
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To Cleanse or Not To Cleanse?

Is it right for everyone? Are there contraindications? Is my body strong enough? Do I have enough support? Am I emotionally stable enough? These are important considerations and it takes...

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5 Ways to Detox without a Cleanse
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5 Ways to Detox without a Cleanse

Can’t commit to a home cleanse or Panchkarma in a clinic? Don’t feel deprived! Here are 5 remedies for daily detoxing.

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The Truth About Panchakarma
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The Truth About Panchakarma

Feeling sluggish, depressed, unmotivated? Having difficulty with emotions, digestion, or focus?  You may benefit from a detoxifying panchakarma cleanse.

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Natural Cleanse and Detox

In Ayurveda, a cleanse or detox refers to a period of time in which you adjust your diet and lifestyle to promote optimal digestion. This is mostly accomplished by committing to eating a monodiet of kitchari (basmati rice and yellow mung dal) for the duration of your cleanse and eliminating hard-to-digest foods and experiences from your diet and surroundings.

How Cleansing Works

According to Ayurveda, the body digests not only food but also experiences, emotions, and thoughts. Agni (or digestive fire) acts as the body's internal flame, driving all digestion and transformation and converting the positive things that enter the body into nourishment.

When ama (natural toxins) enter the body, digestion becomes bogged down—not unlike the way wet kindling can dampen a campfire. For example, a greasy meal eaten six months ago or an unresolved argument can linger in the system and create imbalances.

An Ayurvedic cleanse works by “resetting” agni by giving it a break from digesting complicated substances. Kitchari, Ayurveda's meal of choice for cleansing, is incredibly easy on the digestive system, and its combination of rice and dal helps form a complete protein that can keep you nourished and sustained for the duration of your cleanse.

What a Successful Cleanse Has to Offer

Some of the benefits of cleansing include:

  • Increased energy
  • A better sense of balance
  • Better sleep patterns
  • More regular elimination
  • An overall feeling of wellness

Unlike panchakarma, a traditional cleanse program completed under the guidance of a practitioner, the cleanses you'll find detailed in these blog articles can be done safely from the comfort of your own home.

How to Plan a Successful Cleanse

When it comes to planning your cleanse, the options may feel overwhelming. Shorter cleanses can range from a simple one-day digestive reset to a three-day cleanse with kitchari, while longer cleanses can last up to 21 days.

Generally, the longer the cleanse, the more benefit you will receive from it. Along with this, the longer the cleanse, the more delicate your body and your digestion will be, so you will only want to commit to a longer cleanse if you can give yourself ample time to ease back into your normal lifestyle and diet gently.

While Ayurvedic cleansing is very gentle overall, it is best not to cleanse if you are ill, injured, debilitated, menstruating, pregnant, or breastfeeding.

For those who can cleanse, spring and fall are the ideal times of year to do it according to Ayurveda, though cleansing the summer and winter can be supportive times as well.

These articles are designed to help you choose the length of time that best works for you and your lifestyle, how to customize your kitchari, how to plan meals throughout your cleanse, mistakes to avoid, and how to follow through with your intentions.

We'll also explore how to customize your cleanse for the spring or fall seasons, supportive herbs (like Total Body Cleanse) that you can take to help support the process, and much more.